Picture this...
Your director asks you to share your “extra” skills during rehearsals and you accidentally say the talent you haven't done for YEARS, but you have only a few days to create an entire new act with this particular talent.
Long story short, even though I am ( Tobit here ) a former 4th-place unicycling world champion, whisking up a last-minute act after not having touched the wheel in what felt like a lifetime was a bit of a stretch. HELP!
And even though I ( Jasmijn here ) had as much in common with a Unicycle as queen's gambit and my grandmas left sock, I offered my previous experience of being a flyer ….Et voila - We got creative and made it work. Our first duo unicycle act was born and that is how our story started!
I know this is so important to you, as your shows are one of a kind and you should never settle down for a cookie-cutter option.​
Here are 10 funny facts about us
Go on, we might just surprise you... ;-)

Which brings us to you
Every show has a message and we make sure it’s heard. Through Vintage-inspired acrobatic pas de deux on the unicycle or a funny love story in an aerial hammock, fire eating, solo & duo straps, aerial hoop, live singing...you name it.
Handcrafted for you, to create lasting memories. We are thrilled about the work we are doing, producing an extraordinarily high-level circus experience - to make every single time unforgettable.
Customer CARE? Check.
Join our email list and never chase after that demo reel or updated press-kit again.
The fact you made it this far down the page means you are our kinda people.
Here is the thing, Circus is an extraordinary career which we lead with pride and joy, however… Just like Tobit, I can still get insecure and worry about failing and looking like a fool, but there is something so special about inspiring others with our work that outweighs all the groundhog days by far.
Working with you is truly the thing we love most because we know you and us have one thing in common: WE LOVE TO ENTERTAIN AND SPRINKLE A BIT OF MAGIC INTO PEOPLE'S LIVES.
Thank you so much for being here,
With joy
​Tobit & Jasmijn
Only one thing left to do now my friend... Click here to create some magic